Check out this video highlighting our CTE programs.
A new student recognition program has kicked off this grading period!
The Outdoor Club hosted games on the field and courts today after school!
Our cosmetology program is awesome! Ms Robinson instructs a student earlier this afternoon! The Career Technical Education (CTE) program prepares students to join the workforce!
This Wednesday afternoon = Field Day! See Ms Golmeyer for more information!
Some of our 4.0 Grade Point Average Principal’s Honor Roll students.
Today we honored more than 100 students for their outstanding efforts during the 4th Grading Period!
On Tuesday 16 students visited the Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority in Victorville. We met staff & learned about how wastewater (water that has been used in kitchens & restrooms) is recovered & recycled for use in irrigation systems. Our students enjoyed the tour.
Our newest teacher, Ivy Moore, will begin on Monday, February 6th!
We will be presenting more than 100 students with 4 Grading Period awards on Friday!
Our ASB students are selling Valentine's Grams! Sales are during lunch. Check out this graphic for more information!
Mojave High School - where our teachers play basketball with students on Fridays! Thank you Mr Jesfen!
Mark your calendars!
FREE classes! Enrollment for Adult Education High School Diploma, GED Test Preparation, English As A Second Language & Citizenship Preparation classes is happening! Use the online Enrollment Interest Form on the website
Today our students took part in the 1st Annual Wellness Fair, hosted by our wonderful counseling department!
We want to remind parents and guardians that students can eat for FREE two times per day right here on campus.
Breakfast is served before school, starting at 8:45 am!
These 72 students earned all As, Bs, and Cs during the Fourth Grading Period!
Great job students.
We are proud of you!
Congratulations to these very hard working and dedicated 31 students who had perfect attendance during the 4th Grading Period! We are proud of your commitment to being in school!
More seniors have graduated! Congratulations to these students for their hard work and determination!
Congratulations to these 23 students who worked very hard during the 4th grading period to earn STRAIGHT As!
Great job students.
We are proud of you!