This Thursday in their Coyote Connections classes our students are letting us know how they feel about our school with @Youth_Truth . We're excited to empower #stuvoice!
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
Our families are giving us feedback with @Youth_Truth student surveys this week. Can’t wait to hear what they have to say! Please take your survey here: Thank you! Chris Fore, Mojave High School Principal
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
Tomorrow is our School Site Council Meeting. All parents and guardians are welcome. It is at 2:15 pm in the Conference Room.
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
school site council
Congratulations to our students who made the Academic Achievement list for earning all As, Bs and Cs during the 3rd Grading Period!
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
Congratulations to our students who earned their way onto the Principal's Honor Roll for earning all As during the 3rd Grading Period!
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
These students only missed ONE day or had PERFECT ATTENDANCE for the entire 3rd Grading Period! We want to recognize their efforts. Great job students. Please, stay home if you're sick. But if you're not, be at school. Attendance Matters!
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
Calling all Mojave Parents & Guardians! Tell us about your Mojave experience! Please take a short parent/guardian survey at Survey open until December 15th!
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
GREAT season Coyotes! A perfect 6-0 in the regular season. 2nd Place in the District Tournament!
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
Last map of the night! Whoever wins this wins the championship!
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
We need one more map win to win the whole championship! Let's go Coyotes!
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
We beat Sultana High in our first match up! Now we play Hesperia High for the Championship!
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
We have started the first game of the night, vs Sultana High!
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
Exciting afternoon for our eSports team as we compete in the district's 1st Annual Tournament! Go Coyotes!
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
Our graduated students put their handprints on the wall! Leaving their mark of success to inspire the next batch of graduates! Congratulations to our early grads!
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
HUSD will be hosting its secondary Overwatch Grand Final on 11/29/2023 starting at 4PM. The event will be held at the Hesperia Junior High Gymnasium and spectators are welcome! Spectator tickets are $2 per adult and $1 per student. So come out and enjoy some amazing gaming and support our students who will be applying for esports scholarships and are interested in pursuing a career in game design and esports.
about 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
Overwatch Final Graphic
We still have seats on the bus to support our esports team tomorrow! Bus leaves at 3:15 pm! Need to turn in a permission slip to Mr Fore!
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
e sports
Attendance Matters! Announcing an attendance contest for December. We have some great prizes for our students!
about 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal
attendance contest
HUSD will be hosting its secondary Overwatch Grand Final on 11/29/2023 starting at 4PM. The event will be held at the Hesperia Junior High Gymnasium and spectators are welcome! Spectator tickets are $2 per adult and $1 per student. So come out and enjoy some amazing gaming and support our students who will be applying for esports scholarships and are interested in pursuing a career in game design and esports.
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
Overwatch Grand Final Graphic
Another grad who we are very proud of: Nicholas! He has been an important part of our community as he has done the work experience program with our custodial staff, helping to take care of our campus.
over 1 year ago, Chris Fore, Principal